Hípica Base is a brand of Equus Interactiva.
Equus Interactiva , S.L.
VAT number: B-62.325.477
Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona,
Book 32777, Section 0202, Sheet 2
It is strictly forbidden to distribute, copy, modify or transmit both the content and the code of the pages, except under express written permission of Hípica Base. The user can freely and exclusively for your personal use, copy on their computer or obtain a hard copy of the pages or screens that can be accessed. Is absolutely prohibited any copying, reproduction, distribution and use in any form of images, logos and other identifying signs of this web page. The information provided on this page can not be subject to sale, assignment or transfer for consideration or free of any kind.
The user is informed of the inclusion of your data, if applicable, in an automated file owned by Hípica Base, which undertakes to adopt the necessary measures for the protection of your personal data while preserving their privacy. The user authorizes Hípica Base to obtain or record the data on the connection and eventually the use of verification or registration files in the user's disk ("cookies"), only for the purpose of performance, security and statistics. Faced with a possible information processing, this data will be disassociated from personal data.
All this in agreement and complied with current regulations at all times on the Protection of Personal Data.
Hípica Base is not responsible for the content, or for any third party web pages connected by links to our websites.